


2.英语 请问extraordinary 和 great 的区别? O(∩_∩)O谢谢

3.extra extraordinary 这两个单词怎么读,来个谐音







       [`Zkstr?; ˋ?kstr?]

       《extraordinary 之略或源自 extra-》




       a. 额外的,临时的

       ~ pay

       额外报酬 [给付]

       an ~ train


       an ~ edition

       临时增 (,特)

       an ~ job(

       本职外的) 副业

       b. 特别的,格外的,特别好的

       ~ binding


       of ~ quality


       2 [也可用在名词后] 另外付帐的

       Dinner $5, and wine ~.



       1 额外 [特别] 之物; 贴补金; 课外讲义; 号外,临时增刊

       2 临时雇员; 临时演员



       1 额外地

       You have to pay ~ for an express train.


       2 特别地,格外地

       ~ good wine


       try ~ hard


英语 请问extraordinary 和 great 的区别? O(∩_∩)O谢谢



        比如she is an extraordinary girl,他是一个不平凡的女孩

        he take an unusual method 他用了一个不常见的方法.

        special是特地、特别的意思.i have a special gift for you .我有一个特别的礼物给你.


extra extraordinary 这两个单词怎么读,来个谐音


       great的基本意思是“大的,巨大的,非常的,很多的”,通常指物体在规模、体积上大或数量上众多。有时great可指在空间或时间上存在一定的距离,即“距离遥远的,时间久远的”,当用于表示健康状况时,指一个人的身体比较好或平安,即“健康的,平安的”。great还可指一个人在事业上很有成就,并受到人们的尊敬,即“伟大的,杰出的”; 或指某人或某物居于十分显要的地位,即“重要的,显著的,值得注意的”。great还可用来指“非常愉快的,令人满意的”“擅长,精于”“无比的”等。在用来表示程度时, great还可指“格外的,相当的”“名副其实的”等。



       extra,和 extraordinary 这两个单词中的[str] 都要浊化。

       extra /'ekstr?/,这里的 /str?/与“斯卓”谐音。

       extraordinary /?k?str?d?nr?/ ,这里的 /str?/ 与“斯zhuao(驻澳)”谐音。

       extraordinary /?k?str?d?nr?/,是由extra与ordinary复合而成,理解了这个,再配合音标,你也就会划分音节了。




out of the ordinary 不同寻常.

outstanding adj.杰出的;出众的;有待完成的;未解决的;突出的;显著的;未偿还的;未清账的.

extraordinary adj.非凡的;非同寻常的;卓越的;反常的;特大的;专门(或特别)召集的;特派的;特命的.?

out of the common run?

different from the common herd.? ?例如

       Her new house is certainly out of the ordinary. 她的新居真是不同凡响。

       Day 321 morning 2021



        词根 ordin 表“秩序”,本义指“遵从一般秩序的”。


        ordinary 最终和 order (秩序;命令)同源, order 先有“秩序”之义,再由“使遵守秩序”引申出“命令”之义。

        So I lived my life alone, without anyone that I could really talk to, until I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara, six years ago. Something was broken in my engine. And as I had with me neither a mechanic nor any passengers, I set myself to attempt the difficult repairs all alone. It was a question of life or death for me, I had scarcely enough drinking water to last a week.

       The first night, then, I went to sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Thus you can imagine my amazement, at sunrise, when I was awakened by an odd little voice. It said:

        “If you please—draw me a sheep?”


        “Draw me a sheep…”

        I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck. I blinked my eyes hard.

        I looked carefully all around me. And I saw a most extraordinary small person, who stood there examining me with great seriousness.
